As you know- I lately left my comfort zone, closed Android Studio and dive straight into a scary, rough sea called Web Development. An integral part of building web apps is working with CSS. For the ones that not familiar with Cascading Style Sheet- this is how web developers design their web pages, give it some life and structure, add animations and lose their sanity while doing so.

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In my previous post, I talked about a couple of things I notice after moving from my usual gig as an Android developer and doing some web development (especially React).

As promised, after naming some things that Android can learn from the web development world, I will now focus on the other side- what can web developers can borrow from the Android world.

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In the last Google I/O, Google announced a new architecture components. One of them is Room. Room is an (another) ORM solution for the Android developers. Combining with some other elements Google released (like LiveData, ViewModel, and Lifecycle Listeners)- basic app flows should be much simpler.

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